Posts from June 2015

The Supreme Court and Marriage

The Supreme Court ruling today means that no state can legally define marriage as only between one man and one woman. States must now officially declare that the union of two homosexuals is just as proper and natural as the union between heterosexuals. Even if the Bible did not define which unions are proper and…

Classical Education: Lutheran Schools Should Take A Closer Look

Classical Education: Lutheran Schools Should Take A Closer Look Written by Rachel Timmermann Are current classrooms barren of Western heritage? If so, is this lack of classical recognition worth changing? Classical education, with roots in time-proven skills, is an option to successfully educate the next generation of responsible citizens. First, let’s lay out a clear…


Cyberbullying 2015/05/18/in Blogs, Guest writer /by Nicole Balza Cyberbullying is a modern and dangerous form of bullying that takes place using electronic technology such as cell phones, computers, or tablets. Over half of young people report being cyberbullied. Examples of cyberbullying Sending hurtful or threatening texts or e-mails Starting rumors on social media sites Spreading…

Kids will be Kids?

Kids will be kids? 2015/05/18/in Blogs, Laurie Gauger-Hested /by Nicole Balza   I have stories. True stories. Seven girls cherry-pick an eighth and assail her with a torrent of texts prominently featuring the b-word. Sophomore boys taunt a classmate with a clever little jingle about his dental issues. A fifth-grader hijacks a slumber party, taking…

Do Cell Phones Belong in School?

Do Cell Phones Belong in School? Posted on May 15, 2015 by MLC Graduate Studies By Professor James Carlovsky Described as portable computers and the Swiss army knife of technologies, mobile phones have been historically banned in K-12 schools due to the perceptions that they are disruptive (O’Bannon & Thomas, 2015). However, times are changing.…