Theme: Ash Wednesday
Text: Acts 8:26-39
Theme: Ash Wednesday
Text: Acts 8:26-39
Theme: Out of Deserved Adversity Comes Thankful Joy.
Text: Acts 8:1b-8
Theme: We Are All Beggars Who Can Only Stand in Jesus’ Name.
Text: Acts 4: 8-14
(no audio available at this time)
Theme: Jesus’ Unbelievable Death Defying Work Empowers Forgiveness.
Text: Acts 13:36-42
Theme: Those Who Believe Jesus Rose Will Hear of It Again and Again.
Text: Acts 17:31-34
(Audio Not Available)
Theme: Our Living Brother in the Flesh Will Return to Judge in Mercy.
Text: Acts 17:30-31
Theme: Discipleship: Following Christ | The Blessings of Baptism
Text: Acts 2:36-39
Theme: Exaltation of Christ | Jesus Ascended to Heaven
Text: Acts 1:4–11
Theme: The Maker and Giver of All Things Good Makes Himself Known.
Text: Acts 17:22-29