The Fourteenth Sunday After Trinity Sermon September 18, 2022 Rev. Glenn Obenberger Thanksgiving Philippians Theme: On the Day of Jesus Christ, God’s Work Begun in You Will Be Completed Text: Philippians 1:1b-11
PALM SUNDAY | THE ANNUNCIATION OF OUR LORD Sermon March 25, 2018 Rev. Glenn Obenberger Annunciation, Jesus, Our King, The Second Article: The Humiliation of Christ Philippians Theme: Jesus, Our King | 2nd Article: The Humiliation of Christ Text: Philippians 2:5-8
Palm Sunday Sermon March 20, 2016 Rev. Glenn Obenberger Passion of Christ Philippians Theme: The Humble Obedience of our Suffering Servant All the Way to the Cross Text: Philippians 2:5-11