Theme: If God is For Us, Who Can be Against us?
Text: St. Matthew 17:1-9
Theme: If God is For Us, Who Can be Against us?
Text: St. Matthew 17:1-9
Theme: Youth and Education
Text: St. Luke 2:41–52
Theme: “Don’t Stumble in the Light”
Text: St. Matthew 2:1–12
Theme: The Son Reveals the Father
Text: St. Luke 9:28-36
Theme: Marriage and Family
Text: St. John 4:4-26
Theme: How does this man know?
Text: John 7:14-18
Theme: The Light and Glory of the Christian Church
Text: St. Matthew 4:13-17
Theme: Circumcision and Naming of Jesus
Text: St. John 1:16-18
Theme: Transfiguration
Text: St. Matthew 17:1-9
Theme: Trust
Text: St. Matthew 8:23–27