Theme: Righteous In The Sight Of God
Text: St. Luke 18:9–14
Theme: Righteous In The Sight Of God
Text: St. Luke 18:9–14
Theme: Humility: Pharisee and Publican
Text: St. Matthew 21:28-31
Theme: The Righteousness that Gives Peace and Life
Text: St. Luke 18:9–14
Theme: Humble Voices of Repentance Prevail,
Not Loud Proud Voices.
Text: 1 Kings 19:9b-18
Theme: We Are Humbled in Our Confessions of Sin and God’s Mercy.
Text: 1 John 1:8-2:2
Theme: Humility | Absolution
Text: 1 John 1:5-2:2
Theme: Hide Yourself in Christ; His Righteousness Is Your Reward.
Text: St. Matthew 6:1-8
Theme: Jesus Did the Will of His Father
Text: St. Mathew 21:28-31
Theme: The Battle We Must Lose If We Would Win
Text: St. Luke 18:9-14