Theme: Jesus, Our King
Text: St. Matthew 21:1-9
Theme: Jesus, Our King
Text: St. Matthew 21:1-9
Theme: The Path of the Christ
Text: St. Luke 19:28-40
Theme: Jesus, Our King
Text: St. Matthew 21:1–9
Theme: Blessed Is He Who Comes in the Name
of the Lord! – Not Just Came.
Text: St. Matthew 21:1–9
Theme: Behold the Real “Beast” of Burden Blessing His Believers.
Text: Numbers 22:21-35
Theme: The Prince of Peace Reconciled God to Our Entire Fallen Race.
Text: Colossians 1:15-20
(Audio: Not Available)
Theme: Jesus, Our King | 2nd Article: The Humiliation of Christ
Text: Philippians 2:5-8
Theme: Serving Christ Even unto Death Honors the Father Who Sent Him.
Text: St. John 12:20-33