Theme: Believe in Jesus, Not in Miracles
Text: St. John 4:46–54
Theme: Believe in Jesus, Not in Miracles
Text: St. John 4:46–54
Theme: “You Are Invited, Please Come”
Text: St. Matthew 22:1–14
Theme: “Jesus’ Pastors Are Also Eager and Ready to Absolve.”
Text: St. Matthew 9:1–8
Theme: The Feast of St. Michael and All Angels
Text: St. Matthew 18:1–11
Theme: Signs of God’s Love for Us
Text: St. Matthew 16:1-4
Theme: Confirmation: Perseverance / Michaelmas 3
Text: St. Matthew 13:44-50
Theme: Don’t Mess with the Angels
Text: St. Matthew 18:10-14
Theme: The Way of Peace
Text: St. John 4:46–54
Theme: Confirmation: Perseverance ~ Michaelmas 3
Text: St. Luke 6:46-49
Theme: Angels | Michaelmas
Text: St. Matthew 18:1–10