Theme: Jesus Cleanses Our Hearts
Text: St. Luke 19:41–48
Theme: Jesus Cleanses Our Hearts
Text: St. Luke 19:41–48
Theme: Renewed Obedience
Text: St. Matthew 11:16-24
Theme: Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder
Text: St. Luke 19:41–48
Theme: The Things That Make For Peace
Text: St. Luke 19:41–48
Theme: The Language of Faith
Text: 1 Kings 18:16-39
Theme: Be Renewed by the Voice of God’s Deliverance Today; Rebel Not.
Text: Hebrews 3:12 – 4:1
Theme: Renewed Obedience | What Sins Should We Confess?
Text: St. Matthew 18:12-20
Theme: Renewed Obedience
Text: St. John 6:66-71
(Audio Not Available)
Theme: Jesus Is Still Doing Mighty Works Creating Faith, Even in this Generation
Text: St. Mathew 11:16-24
Theme: Cleansing through Repentance not Judgment Is Salutary.
Text: St. Luke 3:7-18