Theme: Treasure and the Human Heart
Text: St. Luke 16:1–9
Theme: Treasure and the Human Heart
Text: St. Luke 16:1–9
Theme: Who Is That Faithful and Wise Manager?
Text: St. Luke 12:42-48
Theme: Stewardship
Text: St. Luke 16:1–9
Theme: Stewardship
Text; St. Luke 16:1–9
Theme: “Confidently Spend and Be Spent
for the Kingdom of God.”
Text: 1 Kings 17:7-24
Theme: Stewardship
Text: Romans 5:1-11
(audio not available at this time)
Theme: God Calls His Gifted People for the Common Good of All.
Text: 1 Corinthians 12:1-7, 28-31
Theme: All that You Have Is Another’s; Use It in Love.
Text: St. Luke 16:10-17
(Audio Not Available)
Theme: Children of Christ the King Are Set Free to Give
Text: St. Mathew 17:22-27
Theme: Be Generous with Your Master’s Gifts.
Text: St. Luke 16:1-9