Advent 1 sermon November 29, 2015 Rev. Peter Faugstad Humble King John Theme: Christ’s Kingdom Is Not of the World, but of the Word. Text: St. John 18:33-37
Thanksgiving Homily November 26, 2015 Rev. Peter Faugstad Thanksgiving 2 Corinthians Theme: Our Confession and Contributions Produce Thanksgivings to God. Text: 2 Corinthians 9:6-15
Second to Last Sunday sermon November 16, 2015 Rev. Glenn Obenberger Judgment Day Matthew Theme: Blessed by the Father, His Son Bore Your Condemnation. Text: St. Matthew 11:20-27
Third to Last Sunday sermon November 9, 2015 Rev. Glenn Obenberger End Times Matthew Theme: While Wickedness Abounds, The Good News Spreads. Text: St. Matthew 24:3-14
All Saints Sermon November 1, 2015 Rev. Peter Faugstad Saint Day Matthew Theme: The Promises of Jesus Are Already and Not Yet. Text: St. Matthew 5:1-12