Theme: The Deadly Seriousness of “Jesus Who was Crucified has Risen”
Text: St. Mathew 28:1-8
Theme: The Deadly Seriousness of “Jesus Who was Crucified has Risen”
Text: St. Mathew 28:1-8
Theme: Why Do You Look for the Living Among the Dead?
Text: St. Luke 24:4-8
Theme: Devotions on Mary’s Magnificat and Jesus Seven Last Words from the Cross
Text: St. Luke 1:39-56
Theme: Jesus Eats With His Betrayer
Text: St. Mark 14:17-25
Theme: The Humble Obedience of our Suffering Servant All the Way to the Cross
Text: Philippians 2:5-11
Theme: While the Father of Lies Murders, The Father of Truth Sacrifices
Text: St. John 8:39-47
Theme: The Labor of Death, The Work of Life
Text: St. John 6:24-36