The 7th Sunday of Easter Sermon May 28, 2017 Rev. Samuel Gullixson The Festival of Our Lord's Ascension Luke Theme: Bless the Lord, O My Soul Text: St. Luke 24:44-53
The 6th Sunday of Easter May 21, 2017 Rev. Glenn Obenberger The Praying Church John Theme: Pray Boldly: Jesus Teaches Us to Pray “OUR Father”. Text: St. John 14:13-21
The 5th Sunday of Easter Sermon May 14, 2017 Rev. Samuel Gullixson Gifts of the Father John Theme: The Gifts of the Father Text: St. John 7:37-39
The 4th Sunday of Easter Sermon May 7, 2017 Rev. Glenn Obenberger Cross and Comfort John Theme: Troubled Hearts Will Always Be at Peace in the Father’s House. Text: St. John 14:1-12