Lent II Sermon February 25, 2018 Rev. Glenn Obenberger Persistent Faith, The First Article of the Apostles Creed Acts Theme: The Maker and Giver of All Things Good Makes Himself Known. Text: Acts 17:22-29
Lent I Sermon February 18, 2018 Rev. Samuel Gullixson Temptation, The Conclusion to the Commandments Genesis Theme: Temptation, The Conclusion to the Commandments Text: Genesis 3:1-15
Ash Wednesday Sermon February 14, 2018 Rev. Glenn Obenberger The Introduction to the Lord's Prayer Theme: The Introduction to the Lord’s Prayer Text: St. Mathew 26:36-46
Quinquagesima Sermon February 11, 2018 Rev. Glenn Obenberger Mercy of God, The 9th & 10th Commandments Joshua Theme: Faith Gives Birth to Life/Coveting Gives Birth to Death. Text: Joshua 7:20-26
Sexagesima Sermon February 4, 2018 Rev. Samuel Gullixson The Eighth Commandment, Word of God Psalms Theme: The 8th Commandment | Word of God Text: Psalm 35:11-28 (Audio Not Available)