The Festival of Trinity Sermon May 27, 2018 Triune God John Theme: The Holy Spirit Proceeds from the Father & the Son Text: St. John 14:25-26, 16:12-15
The Festival of Pentecost Sermon May 20, 2018 Rev. Glenn Obenberger The Holy Spirit 1 Corinthians Theme: The Mind of Christ Is Yours, Because You Were Born of the Spirit. Text: 1 Corinthians 2:10-16
Ascension Day (Observed) Sermon May 13, 2018 Rev. Samuel Gullixson Exaltation of Christ Acts Theme: Exaltation of Christ | Jesus Ascended to Heaven Text: Acts 1:4–11
The Sixth Sunday of Easter May 6, 2018 Rev. Glenn Obenberger Prayer Hebrews Theme: Our Ever-Living High Priest Always Makes Intercession for Us. Text: Hebrews 7:23-28