The 2nd Sunday of Epiphany Sermon January 26, 2020 Rev. Glenn Obenberger Marriage & Family Genesis Theme: Christ Still Blesses the Estate of Marriage for Sinners. Text: Genesis 29:13-30
The 1st Sunday of Epiphany Sermon January 19, 2020 Rev. Samuel Gullixson Youth & Education Genesis Theme: Youth & Education Text: Genesis 27:1-19
The Festival of the Epiphany of Our Lord Sermon January 12, 2020 Rev. Glenn Obenberger Jesus: Savior of the Gentiles Genesis Theme: In Idolatrous Lands, the Son of Promise Is Even Found to Dwell. Text: Genesis 26:1-6
The 2nd Sunday of Christmas Sermon January 5, 2020 Rev. Samuel Gullixson God's Protection Theme: God’s Protection Text: Genesis 18:20-33