The Feast of Pentecost Sermon May 31, 2020 Rev. Glenn Obenberger Holy Spirit 1 Samuel Theme: God’s Helpful Spirit Bestows Peace, Harmful Spirits Torment. Text: 1 Samuel 16:14-23
The Ascension of Our Lord (Observed) Sermon May 24, 2020 Rev. Glenn Obenberger Exaltation of Christ 1 Samuel Theme: While Kings of the Earth Take, The King of Grace Gives. Text: 1 Samuel 8:1-22
Rogate: The 6th Sunday of Easter Sermon May 17, 2020 Rev. Samuel Gullixson Prayer Judges Theme: Prayer Text: Judges 16:18-30
Cantate: The 5th Sunday of Easter Sermon May 10, 2020 Rev. Glenn Obenberger Sing! Worship Judges Theme: God’s People Overcome by Divine Power, Never Human. Text: Judges 7:1-7, 16-21
Jubilate: The 4th Sunday of Easter Sermon May 3, 2020 Rev. Samuel Gullixson Cross and Comfort Judges Theme: Cross and Comfort Text: Judges 2:10-23