The Festival of the Holy Trinity Sermon May 30, 2021 Rev. Samuel Gullixson Triune God John Theme: Triune God Text: St. John 3:1–15
The Feast of Pentecost Sermon May 23, 2021 Rev. Samuel Gullixson Holy Spirit John Theme: Holy Spirit Text: St. John 14:23–31
The Ascension of Our Lord Sermon May 16, 2021 Rev. Steven Sparley Exaltation of Christ Mark Theme: The Son of Man has ascended to be with us. Text: St. Mark 16:14-20
Rogate – The Sixth Sunday of Easter May 9, 2021 Rev. Samuel Gullixson Prayer John Theme: Prayer Text: St. John 16:23-30
Cantate – The Fifth Sunday of Easter Sermon May 2, 2021 Rev. Larry Wentzlaff Sing! Worship John Theme: The Work of the Spirit Text: St. John 16:5–15