The Festival of the Nativity of Our Lord ~ Christmas Day Sermon December 25, 2022 Rev. Samuel Gullixson The Nativity of Our Lord John Theme: The Nativity of Our Lord Text: St. John 1:1-14
The 4th Sunday of Advent Sermon December 19, 2022 Rev. Samuel Gullixson Rejoice John Theme: Rejoice Text: St. John 3:22-36
Midweek Advent 3 Sermon December 14, 2022 Rev. Samuel Gullixson Who Can Reign on the Throne of David? 1 Kings Theme: Who Can Reign on the Throne of David? Text: 1 Kings 1:5-10, 15-21
The 3rd Sunday of Advent Sermon December 11, 2022 Rev. Steven Sparley Forerunners of Christ Matthew Theme: The Kingdom of Heaven Suffers Violence, but Brings Peace Text: St. Matthew 11:11-15
Midweek Advent 2 Sermon December 7, 2022 Rev. Samuel Gullixson Who Can Reign on the Throne of David? 2 Samuel Theme: Who can reign on the throne of David? Text: 2 Samuel 18:4c-10, 14b-17
The 2nd Sunday of Advent Sermon December 4, 2022 Rev. Samuel Gullixson Watchfulness Luke Theme: Watchfulness Text: St. Luke 12:35-40