The Feast of Pentecost Sermon May 28, 2023 Rev. Steven Sparley Holy Spirit John Theme: Divine Vinedresser, Life-Giving Vine Text: St. John 15:1-11
The Ascension of Our Lord (Observed) Sermon May 21, 2023 Rev. Samuel Gullixson Exaltation of Christ John Theme: Exaltation of Christ Text: St. John 17:24-26
Rogate ~ The Sixth Sunday of Easter Sermon May 14, 2023 Rev. Steven Sparley Prayer John Theme: So That the World May Know the True God Text: St. John 17:18-23
Cantate ~ The Fifth Sunday of Easter Sermon May 7, 2023 Rev. Samuel Gullixson Sing! Worship John Theme: Sing! Worship Text: St. John 17:9-17