In the Formula of Concord, we confess:

We should ask that through the [Holy] Spirit and His grace, by means of the daily exercise of reading and doing God’s Word, He would preserve in us faith and His heavenly gifts, strengthen us from day to day, and keep us to the end. For unless God Himself be our schoolmaster, we can study and learn nothing that is acceptable to Him and salutary to ourselves and others.

Especially now as our public assembling together is greatly curtailed for a time, it may be good to consider more opportunities to hear, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest God’s Word on a day to day basis. You may consider starting or bolstering your daily individual/family devotions. Below are many different options that you might find helpful. Don’t feel as though you need to do them all or many of them. There are many options of varying amounts of time and mediums (email/booklets/podcasts). You may try some out for a time and settle on something else later.

Weekly Service of the Word

Live Streaming of the Divine Service or on Facebook (Sundays 10:30 AM) – (1 hour)

Watch the Service of the Word in real-time. Download the service folder prior to service so that you can follow along.

      • If you “Like” our page, you can follow the various posts that will keep you updated to our latest news, especially as things have been changing quickly lately. We also often have prayers posted.
      • If you see our posts and “Like,” “Love,” or “Share” the post, more people in our communities will also be blessed.

More Information about Services, Holy Communion & Bible Study

Vimeo – Video Recordings of the Divine Service and PLS Chapel Services (for those who are not able to watch the live stream on Sundays at 10:30 AM)

    • If you subscribe to our Vimeo page, then you will receive an email whenever a new video is uploaded.

Audio Recording & Download the Manuscript:

If you prefer to listen or just read the sermons each week, you can down find those resources in these links. They are usually posted by Monday AM.

Prayer Requests:

Pray without ceasing. (1Thessalonians 5:17) Please remember to pray for our Church, community, state, nation, and world during these uncertain and anxious days.

      • If you would like to make a prayer request (for public prayer during the Sunday Divine Service or for the pastors’ personal prayers) please contact the church office before 2 PM on Fridays at or call 253-537-5492.
      • If you would like to be sent the Weekly Prayer requests in an email, please contact the church office (information above).

If you are in the hospital or have some emergency, please contact (or have family or a friend contact) the pastors or the church office (if during the day). We are here to serve you.

Daily Devotion Options

Treasury of Daily Prayer  (book) & Pray Now (app, also available in the Apple App Store) – (Book/app & email)

A daily email sent out by Pr. Gullixson with notes and encouragements that will directly correspond to the appointed readings from these resources (they are the same). For an example of this email, click here. A 12 – 30 minute read, depending how much or little you desire to read.


* indicates required

Email Format

From Bethany Lutheran College– (video recording) – (5 minutes)

The daily chapel service/sermon archive from Bethany Lutheran College. On account of the COVID-19, the chapel service is currently broadcasting a devotion instead.

Memorial Moment – (email) – (10 Minutes)

A daily email sent out that includes a portion of Scripture, a meditation on that Scripture, a reading from a Church father, and prayers.

Light for My Path: (email) – (2 minute read)

A daily email with a Bible verse, hymn verse, and prayer produced by the ELS.

Portals of Prayer – (Booklet {or electronic by subscription}) – (5 minute read)

Quarterly booklets are available at PLC in the Narthex for free. If you would like subscribe to the electronic version or a larger size, visit the linked website.

The Word of the Lord Endures Forever – (Website/Podcast) – (15 minutes)

A daily 15 minute Bible study podcast that walks through books of the Bible with commentary from the Church fathers past and present.

Issues, Etc. – (Website/Podcast)

Issues, Etc. is a ten-hour weekly radio talk show and podcast. Continuing Christian education for the thinking Christian. Covers many topics like current events, books of the Bible, Church fathers, the Lutheran Confessions and Catechesis, etc.

Personal Visit with a Pastor

Pastor Obenberger will be available by appointment. Send him an email directly, or contact the church office (253-537-5492).

YouCanBook.Me – (For Pastor Gullixson)

For brief services with Holy Communion, private confession/absolution & Holy Communion, and general counseling.

Sacrificial Living

Offerings & Gifts – (electronic or mail)

Even during these days when our normal Sunday gatherings are disrupted, as well as our personal employment, the Lord always provides and takes care of us. Spiritually, He does this through our pastors and the teachers that teach at our school. And their work is aided by the support staff hired by the congregation. Let the Word of God dwell in you richly as you bolster or begin your daily and weekly time of devotion. And may the Lord move you to respond in faith, freedom and thanksgiving to support the continuing work of caring for the souls of the Parkland community and beyond.

There are three principal ways to give. You may:

    • Click on the offering plate, which will take you to our congregation’s online giving page, or
    • Write out a check and send it in your offering envelope through the mail. Just remember to put a stamp on the envelope.
    • Drop it in the offering plate at church if you come on Sunday AM or Monday PM.

Membership and Community Encouragement

Please remember your neighbors during this time. If you are having difficulties, there is a good chance that so are those around you. Pray for them. Help them. Befriend and comfort them. Write them letters. Send them cards, emails, texts, Facebook messages, or homing pigeons. Let them know that you remember them in your prayers and are concerned for them. Offer your assistance as much as you are able.