Mr. Rafael’s Retirement Open House Celebration This summer will mark the end of Mr. Rafael’s time at Parkland Lutheran. He started serving Parkland Lutheran in 1999! As a “thank you” to Mr. Rafael for his 21 years of service, we are inviting all of you to attend a special open house celebration on Sunday, July…
“Back to School / Orientation Night” will be held on TUESDAY, August 27 at 7:00 pm. When you arrive you should go directly to your child’s homeroom classroom where you will have the opportunity to meet the teachers and to drop off your child’s school supplies and Earthquake Kits, which will lighten their load on…
Parkland Lutheran School will have a booth again at the Parkland Garfield Street Fair. PLS will also be hosting a campus OPEN House during the street fair. Prospective families can walk/drive over to PLS and take a tour of the facility and meet the teachers. We will also be handing out FREE ice cream to…
Family Bible School August 6 – 10 5:00 – 7:15 PM The Lord Redeems His People: The Story of the Exodus Our Evening Schedule: Supper & Fellowship Devotions & Music Learn about the Story of God redeeming His People from Egypt Grow in Knowledge and Understanding of the Gospel Activities, Crafts, & Games All Are…
SUNDAY SCHOOL & BIBLE CLASS: Sunday School and Bible Class will begin on September 10 at 9:15am. The students will meet in the front of the sanctuary for devotion and be dispersed to their classrooms. Adults will meet in the newer portable classroom building.
Et ait faciamus hominem ad imaginem et similitudinem nostram et praesit piscibus maris et volatilibus caeli et bestiis universaeque terrae omnique reptili quod movetur in terra.
Friday, November 3rd is the end of the first quarter of school. Report cards will be given out at Parent/Teacher conferences on November 8-10. If you have a child in grades 5 thru 8, watch for an email to pick your conference time slot. If you have a child in grades Pre-K thru 4, you…
VETERANS DAY PROGRAM AT PLS Everyone is invited to our Veterans Day Program on Friday, November 3, at 2pm in the PLS Ark.
On Sunday, October 29th, Parkland Lutheran School & Church warmly invites you and your family to attend our annual Christian Education Sunday Service and Luncheon. We annually set aside a Sunday in October to remember the blessings & benefits of a Christian Education. This year we will also be celebrating the 500th Anniversary of Reformation…